Prior to investing in this DSLR scanning setup I have been using the Epson V700 with the 35mm, 120 and 4X5" holders from the V800 series. Inn addition to this i have the Epson Fluid mount for 4X5". The Epson is actually quite good at scanning 120 and 4x5" but very time consuming. It is generally not very useful at 35mm in my opinion. I am still using my Epson for Polaroid prints, and some “tricky” 4x5” color negatives that has issue in the Negative conversion.
To improve the process of digitization, I have been considering DSLR scanning for some time. Although there are other options out there at a much lower price point I chose Negative Supply as it has a complete ecosystem from 35mm, 120 and up to 4x5".
I will share the good and bad experiences to be as transparent as possible in my assessment.
This post does not cover the process of converting/editing negatives/slides but I have added some notes on the 4x5” conversion process.